"Strange how something can feel depressing and uplifting both at the same time. That's exactly how it was when I was writing this eight-page piece on Lemmy of Motorhead in the new (March 2016) issue of MOJO. Losing Lemmy at the end of last year was heart-breaking; I'd known him for decades - since our first interview in 1980 when Ace of Spades came out - and over the years we became friends. It was hard-going, poring through a stack of all our old interviews, like a box of old photographs in an empty room. One minute I'd be smiling at all the stories and the memories they brought back, and the next I'd be misting up, knowing we'd never talk again."Then the deaths just kept on coming. Less than two weeks later it was David Bowie - someone I first met in my teens and whose music was such a big part of my life that, so soon after Lemmy, I couldn't bring myself to write about. A week after that it was the Eagles' Glenn Frey; once again I was going through my filing cabinet to find our old interviews and write an obituary and tribute for MOJO. (It will be in the April issue). Suddenly the word 'deadline' had taken on a horrible new meaning. So I was very happy to go to Nashville last week to interview Graham Nash, who's alive and well at age 74 and still making great music."Meanwhile, I've just posted one of my favourite interviews with Lemmy on the Interview page of this website. We did it ten years ago at his favourite hangout, the Rainbow Bar and Grill on Sunset Blvd. I think I'll go pour myself a long, cold screwdriver - Lemmy's favourite drink' - and raise a toast to absent friends. Take care of yourselves, everyone."-Sylvie.